
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning Quiz Questions - History 5
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning

The Great Wall of China was built ?


220-205 BC
2200-1955 BC
1000-985 BC
20-5 BC

Zeus & Jupiter were Greek & Roman rulers respectively of ?


The Underworld
The Sea
The Gods
The Earth

The first dinosaurs appeared?


230 million years ago
23 million years ago
2.3 million years ago
2.3 billion years ago

The first birds appeared on Earth how long ago ?


175 million
1.75 billion
17.5 billion
17.5 million

The world population in 1930 was ?


1.5 billion
2 billion
2.5 billion
1 billion

The Roman God of Wine,Fertility & Ecstasy was ?



The Pharos of Alexandria was built around ?


1700 BC
270 BC
170 BC
2700 BC

The Greek & Roman Gods of Heaven were ?



The world population in 1850 was about ?


1 billion
1.5 billion
2 billion
500 million

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were built around ?


3000 BC
600 BC
300 BC
6000 BC

Discerningly Versed www.dniv.com 2012